Saturday, July 21, 2018

The Texas Congressional Race Is Going To Be A Close One

By Robert Roberts

To satisfy hunger, man initially gathered together to form hunter groups. This was because the male physique met the labor requirements. The physique enabled the males to build homes and villages which the defended. Capturing game and domesticating wild beasts were also done by them. The females were relegated to looking after the children. They cook the food and fed the young ones. Assisting the male in performing chores was a role that was played, although often guarded by males they gathered fruits and berries. The individual families usually formed into little groups and appointed a leader. Modern times have changed and today people watch and observe the Texas congressional race.

Humans always group together to find comfort and to do things together. The smallest unit of society is the family. Man is engaged in so many activities that sometimes it cannot be done alone. Social groupings emerged out of this necessity. And as the population grew, some type of coordination had to be made to make order out of chaos. Thus was born politics.

These tribes congregated to become communities and progressed into much larger ones known as cities. As activities became numerous and more difficult, synchronization became apparent to make production more efficient. Society became political units with one person or more persons coordinating the populace actions. This is the beginnings of politics.

From starting as groups defending itself from animals, tribes developed into one that also protected itself from intruding populations from other places. This is the beginning of early warfare. People started killing each other to take possession of others resources. This forced the weaker organizations to combine in order to protect the unit or to exact revenge on the other tribes.

Successful early civilizations were led by kings. Allegiance to the king was the duty of citizenry. The king was the absolute ruler and the powers that resided with the position were passed on to first born kin. Succession rights generated conflicts between blood relatives and among nations since time immemorial. This was exacerbated by princes and princesses of one nation marrying those of another. A practice that was common during those early days.

All over the world, ancient civilization had kings. The pharaohs were the overlords of their land as were the kings of Babylon and Persia. Kings were very popular during the middle ages and constantly made wars against each other for whatever reason. The land of Europe were always ravaged by war since time immemorial as people pledge allegiance to the kings they serve.

One country in particular was a bread basket of new political ideas. Monarchies dominated much of the landscape during the eighteen hundreds. This system of governing became unpopular when inept contenders ascended the throne. These unpopular kings were extravagant and were unwilling to listen to the concerns of members of society and were more concerned with opulence. A revolution took place that broke the monarchists hold to power.

A new idea challenged the idea of monarchy with the birth of a new nation in the Americas. This unique form of government composed of people selected by the population through a process of election. This is the democracy as it is called today. Many systems of government can be defined as democracy. The presidential system and the parliamentary system are the most common.

The success and failure depends on who is at the helm. Leaders in a democracy are chosen by the people by a process known as election. A great many leaders have been elected that have made great strides for the nations they led. A glaring example of the effectiveness of this system is the most powerful nation on earth.

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