Friday, July 27, 2018

Newsy Tips With Jewish Orthodox Blogs

By Scott Evans

Learning about this religion is vast as there is extensive study material that makes up the practices, customs and laws of this way of life. Jewish Orthodox Blogs aims at giving the reader information on a deeper level but also simply put for those that are new to it. There is much to be learned and these blogs and writings aim to inform the reader in a simplistic view of it.

There are many reasons as to why blogs such as these are popular and one of these is in the case of intermarriage, where one spouse is not Jewish but would like to know more. There are many different facets to Judaism and many practices that are strange to the world outside of this Religion. Non Jews are interested as to its practices as because there are so few Jews relatively speaking in the world, its not always possible to tap information from one in person.

When wanting to get married, an orthodox man and woman will make arrangements to meet each other through a person called a Shatchan. This person is essentially a matchmake and has details about both sexes on record which allows each individual a chance to read up information on the other. If they feel they want to take it to the next step, then a time is arranged by the matchmaker for them to meet in a public place for coffee or a soft drink.

A shatgan or matchmaker is someone who provides this service of getting two people together and is paid a fee for his or her services. In years gone by, sometimes this person would be the Father and Mother of child who would arrange a marriage with another. Today, one has more choice as one is presented with a whole lot of eligible people who are looking to get married and start a family.

The whole process of meeting a potential life partner takes up to a week where couples just know intuitively that this is the person they want to spend the rest of their lives with. If there is no connection, the arrangement is immediately severed and no friendships are allowed to be pursued as this as said is regarded as immodest behaviour. Furthermore, one must expect to pay a fee to the Shatgan for services provided.

It is a quick process. One usually finds one soul mate pretty quickly. If not the Shatgan is there to discuss other possibilities.

This is just one area of this religion that fascinates so many that are new to it. It is filled with practices that are unfamiliar in modern society today. This is why Judaism has a lasted through the centuries as it is not one to publicize its practices and take on converts.

It is a beautiful Religion that offers its practitioners a rewarding way of life. It preaches love and patience for fellow human beings. It is a great path of learning and self discovery.

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