Friday, August 2, 2013

In The Field Of Court Reporting Minnesota Stenographers Enjoy An Enviable Reputation

By Cathy Mercer

When it comes to the availability of professional court reporting Minnesota judges would not even consider continuing a case unless there is a stenographer at hand. These professionals are able to produce accurate transcriptions of any type of proceedings. Such records can go a long way to make sure that there are no misunderstandings at a later stage. It is a valuable service and stenographers are in high demand.

There are many methods employed in the process of recording proceedings. The most popular one remains the use of the stenograph. This is a device that looks a bit like a typewriter. The operator use it as a short hand machine and by pressing different combinations of keys entire phrases can be recorded at once. After the proceedings a computer is used to translate the shorthand key strokes into ordinary text.

The newer generation stenographers often migrate to electronic recording. They use advanced audio equipment that use multi directional microphone that are able to record every sound, however discreet, during proceedings. The stenographer makes sure that the equipment is functioning properly and he makes notes to explain relevant non verbal gestures and utterances. Although equipment failure is not common, such a catastrophe can be extremely disruptive.

The latest development in this profession is a new technique called voice writing. It is similar to electronic reporting because the proceedings are also recorded, but in this case the reported actually repeats everything that is said himself. He speaks into a special mask, designed to prevent interruption of the proceedings. In this way the reporter can record not only everything said, but also comment on emotions and gestures.

Practitioners of this profession may be popularly called court reporters but that title is a misnomer. They do a lot of their work in the courts but their services are in high demand in all spheres of live. Lawyers hire them to record depositions and hearings, businesses employ them to record vital conferences and private, confidential meetings. They are even present when governments negotiate.

This is a demanding profession. It requires keen intelligence, the ability to concentrate intensely and a tendency toward perfectionism. Most stenographers spend long periods editing transcriptions, especially if voice recognition software has been used to produce it. Record keeping is also important because there is always a demand for copies of transcriptions previously done. It is also necessary to keep up to date with the latest technology.

This job can be very rewarding, both in a professional and financial sense. However, competition is ferocious and training institutions insist upon very strict selection criteria. Courses are offered by most business schools and many higher education colleges. Students must pass bot practical and theoretical examinations. After qualifying, newcomers to the profession must register before they are allowed to practice.

Modern society will not be able to function efficiently if there are no accurate records of important proceedings. Such transcriptions help to ward off conflict, disagreements and misinterpretations. For the very best services in court reporting Minnesota is certainly the place to go.

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